Youtube Channels

In this scetion i will be going over some of the best content creators for anything exotic animal realated in my opinion, some are great beginner channels some are more advanced but all are worth taking a look at. I will add more to the list as i find more great content. Also these channels are in no particular order.

Content type: Snakes and monitor lizards
About: This guy has some huge monitor lizards and cares for them in an exrtreamly professional way, no clickbait just educational content in an engaging way, very clever guy it would be awesome to see more people subscribe and watch his videos as he is very underated.

Content type: (Lizards, snakes, turtles, tortoises, crocodiles, alligators ect ect )

Content type:

Content type: All things reptile beginner content
Wickens wicked reptiles is a Youtube channel run by a guy called Adam, he makes some very entertaining reptile and exotics content. I would however say he does sensationalise some of his videos which there is nothing wrong with as its all to get more viewership, the guy is obviously very knowledgeable and passionate and it a good source of bingeable reptile content. He is the mcdonalds of the reptile channel world, i feel like his content is a good way to be introduced into the reptile world and is a good source of surface level content to break into the hobby.

Content type: Educational reptile based

Content type: Educational reptile based
This is an absolutely fantastic youtube channel, they have a lot of guests from the reptile hobby and is in my opinion one of the most diverse and interesting channels for reptiles on youtube and Spotify.

Content type:

Content type: Educational Exotics based
Very well known youtube zoologist/herpitologist, makes absolutly amazing beginner content analysing most aspects of the aniamls care, he has such a relaxing and peiceful demenor.
@reptiles and research

Content Type: Educational reptile based
Fantastic content about reptiles and covers the more indepth stuff you dont see as much on the bigger more mainstream channels, brilliant for learning a bit more past surface level knowledge. Also works
@JTB Reptiles

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@Royal Anoles

Content Type: Various lizards mainly Anoles
This guy is a charactor, very knowledgeable and obsessed with Anoles, very friendly in the comments and intereactive with his audience he generally appreciates the connection with his subscribers. If you are after an Anole your best bet is to check his channel out or even comment on the video.
@Scales 13

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Content Type:

Content Type: Educational reptile based
A fantastic youtube channel covering various reptile based care and research, this is tied to a fantastic website full of reptile care content. The dont post to much on youtube but whenever they do its always very informational in an engaging way, great for beginners and expects.
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