My Collection


In this section i will go over a bit about myself and how i got to the point where i wanted to share and push myself to give the best husbandry i can to my animals.

About me


I started my interest in keeping and learning about exotics as a child i always had a facination with exotic and strange insects to begin with, during primary school i was exposed to this through a fantastic teacher who allowed me to keep some stick insects, they where your common indian stick insects, i though they where great, i maintained them for a few years and eventually they died off, this was in the days before the interenet so as a young kid the only things i had for reference where books.


When i was around high school age i was facinated with Science and all science based subjects at school and dipped my toes into alot of different hobbies including rock collecting, Electronics, fossil hunting, metal detecting and keeping ants. The ants where the common Black ants we have in the UK scientifically known as Lasius Niger. I didnt really keep them well this was still the early days of the internet as i was a curious but uninitiated kid so i kept them in various random ways, i had them aweful gel ant sets, i made my own islands made out of clay and kept ants on them surrounded by water so they didn't escape and watched there behaviours.


After this i drifted away from the hobby for a little while as i wasnt really allowed to keep anything exotic when i was younger around my parents house so i jumped between alot of diffrent hobbies. Once i had my own place i started to think about keeping an exotic pet, i did a bunch of research on different species and boiled it down to a jeweled lecerta and a bearded dragon. In the end i ended up getting a bearded dragon i called Caesar in 2019, i had Caesar for 3 years and unfortunatly she had a bad infection and passed away, i was devistated and had no idea what i had done wrong at the time, my lighting was up to date, i kept the enclosure clean, she was fed a varied diet ect ect. In the end i think it was a mix of being extreamly unlucky with the infection happening and there was something i must have overlooked in her care.


After this i waited a little while and did a bunch of research on Blue tounge skinks and how to care for them. I looked for some sellers for some time and found one fairly local to me, i ended up getting a baby Merauke Blue tounge skink than i named Tenji which she is now an adult and doing really well. From there i have slowly accrewed various other exotic pets and now have a whole room im my house dedicated to there enclosures.

I dont acctually have any educational experience in animal care this is mearly a hobby that im very dedicated to. My day job has nothing to do with animals ironically.


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