

I know this is going to be a contentious topic, this falls into human decency as a minimum and teathers of into politics so please if you have opinions that dont align with my own please be respectful in the comments and i will be happy to discuss and listen to you, im always looking to improve my care and knowledge.

The Law

The main common laws for reptiles in the UK are as follows:


Wildlife and Countryside Act - All reptiles are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 this law basically states that you cannot kill, injur or capture a reptile in the UK, you also cannot disturb or damage there nesting sites or take or destroy eggs from the reptiles, if you see one in the wild leave it well alone, feel free to observe it and photographs but nothing more.


Animal Welfare Act - This act was created in 2006 and and requires that all owners give there animals a sutable enviroment, diet and housing along with allowing the animals to be able to show there normal behaviour patterns (Such as enrichment based activities) and the ability to be housed with others if a social species and the opposite for species that are solitary and finally protect the animal from Pain, suffering,injury and diesease. Really these are just common sense and if your a decent person you will always do whats best for your animal.


Dangerous Animal Act - This legislation goes over animals that are considered dangerous in the UK and require a licence to own, this legislation doesnt really effect the keeping of most reptiles bar beaded lizards and a few others but effects alot of snake species considered as dangerous.

CITES regulations -


My Own Ethics

So for me personally i think it is critically important to give the best care possible when dealing with animals, do as much research as possible before investing in an animal but at the same time learn as you care, no matter how much research you do you will never be able to jump straight in with the perfect care, its just impossible new animals have things you probabaly never considered when caring for them, there has been multiple times where i have gone down the rabbit hole of reasearching an animal to the point to which i believe i have the best care i can give only to be side swiped by something i didnt consider, its only human, experience is key.

Always think critically when learning dont believe everything you read online, make your own logical decisions and always use scientific and evidence based proof to provide the best care possible.


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Wild caught vs Captive bred

Another topic that is like stepping on glass , there are people who advocate for it and will defend it to the end and others who are dead against it. I personally live somewhere inbetween, i understand the good side to being able to have access to wild caught ,however i dont think it should be a thing for populations in decline and there must be an effort from the buyer to introduce captive bred indeviduals into the hobby to reduce the need for wild caught indeviduals. Other risks such as illness and parasitic load should be a big part of the decision to go with a wild caught specimin. Are you able to take on the responsability of the animal falls ill, do you have an exotic vet close. again all things to be considered before making the jump to a wild caught indevidual.


Overall i dont think it should be iradicated compleatly because otherwise we would not have the wide range of animals avalable to use but i also dont think it should be a right to have them, if the stop to all wild caught indeviduals was written in law tommorow i would not be upset.

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