Good Practices

Overview -
In this section i will be going over various different good practices to looking after animals indevidually and on scale, i will be going through practices for time management and optimal care.
Time management and optimising care requirements -
This is very important to do when you have a large collection of animals and can even be handy when caring for singular pets and scaled up.
Misting/watering systems
First up is misting systems, you can get these fairly cheap nowerdays and singular units start from £25 all the way up to professional mist king systems at £400. This is my first tip for reducing workload when caring for reptiles, this takes out the step of having to mist daily and at such a cheap price point its worth investing in at any level.
Feeder insects containers
Next is preparing plastic bins with feeder insects, you can buy a cheap plastic tub 7-11 litres for under £3 at most bargain stores. Keeping insect feeders in a larger area makes them last longer , alot easier to feed and water them, put a dry substrate at the bottom for crickets and locusts this will avoid feaces buildup and allows the larvea that you usually find with the feeders to clean up the waste.
Another way to reduce the time needed to prepare foods is to buy small plastic tubs and measure out some nutrient supliments for dusting to dip your insects in, for example have one for calcium d3 have another for vitamin supplimentation and another for other suppliment requirements. This reduces the time of having to prepare insects when feeding on mass.
Buy a Funnel
Buy a funnel if you have an animal that takes fruit flies this will save alot of time trying to wrangle escaped fruit flies and allow you to manage the amount of fruit flies more precisly to feed the animal. You can place the funnel directly into the container for dusting shake the flies into the funnel and tap the funnel as you go and they will drop straight down into the dusting medium.
Save your lids
Keep your old milk bottle/ water bottle lids and any other plastic lids from containers , ask family and friends to collect them aswell, alot of these little lids make brilliant disposable containers for water and foods like crested gecko diet for both crested geckos and mourning geckos. Even the bigger lids from instant coffee containers make brilliant little water bowls for other species. Doing this for one saves on time having to clean smaller containers and two is a good cost saving method. You could even keep them and clean them for extra use if you want to be more eco friendly and just wanted to save cost on having to buy water and food bowls.
Tracking animals health and weight (Making good notes)
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