

This page will mainly be for UK residents but will have some relavancies to the rest of the world. I will go over my experiences with resuing and the ethics behind it.

Plan A-Z

In my house i have a whole room dedicated to exotics, im very passionate about it and i will keep the animals with the best care i can and keep them for as long as possible, however as an indevidual you have to realise that peoples situations change, this can be for the worse or the better, having a plan as much as you can can be crucial if your situation changes. When i first started keeping exotic creatures on scale i  had alot of mantis of all different species i had a few vivariums with lighting and some water bowls to raise the humidity in the empty tank. I then had multiple other terrariums within this for each indevidual mantis, i had a routine to care for all of them to the best of my ability, My point here is i was the only person at the time who knew how to care for them in my household so if anything was to happen to myself, who would look after them all?

Over time i have thought about this aspect of the hobby and have activly improved my plans to accomidate this. My wife has shadowed me quite a few times to be able take over in a period of situational changes to keep the best husbandry of my animals, When i go away on holiday i make sure i have other family members/ Friends activly checking on them all and teaching them the short term requirements if nessisary to keep them as happy and healthy as possible, this website is the next step in this plan as it gives a written document of my experiance and care and i hope it will help others in there journey to keep exotics.

I have also found that keeping in good standing with pet shops is a very good idea, they are teh backbone of the hobby at the end of the day support them and they will reciprocate through there convinient services, and the majority are happy to take animals on that they can then sell on and give to apropriate homes, i have presonally done this with some inverts in the past few years due to situational changes in my life.


There are quite a lot of ways to get involved in rescuing animals withing the UK. I have personally taken on a couple of tarantulas via friends who could no longer keep them due to space requirements through moving. There is also an RSPCA centre in Brighton that exclusivly caters to rescue Exotics. If you are looking for a new pet i would always advise going down the rescue route first before buying from a breeder or petshop. The RSPCA has a tonne of detail on the care requirements of each animal and its medical history in most cases.


Finally there are forums as facebook, although sale of animals is against facebooks policy as far as im aware rescuing isnt and there are plenty of people who are looking for there animals to be rescued so Join animal groups your interested in adn you will be sure to see posts about rescuing.


There are various other exotics rescue centres across the United kindom, contact them ask about there rescue and what they have that you might be able to adopt, you might be plesantly suprised by the outcome.

Useful Links to Rescues

These are a few rescues i have found during my travels around the internet

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